5 Ways to Lessen your Impact on the Environment this Christmas

5 Ways to Lessen your Impact on the Environment this Christmas


The festive season creates a huge amount of waste. It is estimated to be around 30% more than usual, and thats only in the UK. The impact this has on the environment can be disastrous, especially at such a critical time when we are dealing with the effects of climate change around the world. 

Here are 5 ways you can lessen your impact on the environment, this Christmas:

1. Choose gifts with eco-friendly packaging.

The issue of waste doesn’t start with the consumer, it starts with the manufacturers using the raw materials and their choices of packaging. Avoid gifts with an excess amount of packaging, especially plastic! This can be tricky, but making small, conscious choices can make a huge difference to the amount of waste you create this Christmas. You can also choose to buy from brands who care. A quick google search can give you plenty of results for where to shop for environmentally friendly gifts, some of our favourites are ethicalmarket.co.uk, as well as the hundreds of independent, small business making, creating and sourcing ethical goods made from recycled and recyclable materials.

2. Not sure what to buy someone? Opt for a gift card instead.

If you’re stuck for ideas on what to buy, rather than picking up any old gift you aren’t sure the recipient will love, go for a gift card option instead. Giving the gift of choice eliminates that awkward moment of seeing their facial expression when they tear open the wrapping paper and see something that isn’t quite to their taste! We now offer a gift cards in our store, so the recipient can choose their perfect products, and you know your money is being spent on something they will love, rather than something that will end up stuffed in a cupboard or even the bin. 

3. Recycle all your Christmas cards, wrapping paper and packaging.

Once Christmas is over, make sure you filter through all of your waste and recycle as much as possible. Christmas cards and their envelopes can go in your usual household recycling bin. When choosing wrapping paper for your gifts, make sure you go for an option that can be recycled! Unfortunately, many of the wrapping paper rolls available in stores are made from dyed, laminated paper that can not be recycled. There are lots of other options to go for instead, including re-useable wrapping paper from happywrap.co.uk, or you can creative and use old paper maps and newspapers. Many independent shops will also have wrapping paper available that is just made from paper without the non biodegradable glitter and metallic plastic accents. We offer gift boxes made from recycled Kraft cardboard boxes, that can be reused for many years to come! Add the option at the checkout page for just £3.80.

4. Take your Christmas tree to a recycling centre.

A real Christmas tree is the most environmentally friendly option as they are biodegradable, but it can be a pain to get rid of after Christmas. Most cities will have a curb-side pick up area, where you can leave your tree for the local council to collect and take to the recycling centre. You can also chop it down and place into a compost to biodegrade. When choosing decorations for your tree, there are plenty of eco friendly options available. Avoid plastic decorations and opt for glass, metal or wooden ones instead. 

5. Compost your leftover food scraps and use it as nutrients for your plants.

Christmas dinner can create a lot of food waste. We are all a little over indulgent at Christmas, but most families will have some food leftover from Christmas lunch that can be made use of in someway. Any turkey or stuffing leftovers can be used in sandwiches the next day, or you can make a traditional British bubble and squeak from the leftover roast vegetables. Any other food scraps left over can go in the compost to naturally biodegrade, and then added to soil for added nutrients and healthier plants.

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