5 Ways to Reconnect with Yourself During Uncertain Times

5 Ways to Reconnect with Yourself During Uncertain Times

2020 has been pretty unprecedented in many ways. The Coronavirus pandemic has brought us a new way of life to adjust to and our world has also been under increasing environmental pressure, with wildfires in Australian and California and some of the most extreme hurricanes in memory. It’s a lot to contend with, both emotionally and physically and self-care has never been more important.

Looking after you

The never-ending juggle of daily life, worry and anxiety about our jobs, health and loved ones all adds up. Many of us now work from home and it can be difficult to clearly define where work ends and relaxation begins. Downtime can be elusive, but making space for rest and reflection is essential for optimum mental health.
If you’re finding it hard to connect with yourself, here are some suggestions of effective ways to take a step back and focus on who you are and what is important to you:

Pay it forward

Helping others can boost your self-confidence, self-esteem and feelings of satisfaction about life. Studies have shown altruistic behaviour actually releases endorphins in the brain, known as the ‘helpers high’, which feel similar to the rush you get after intense physical activity.

Volunteering in some capacity is an excellent way to identify issues you care about and will help you reflect on your personal values and what matters in your life.

If you don’t know where to start, websites like Do-it connect volunteers with charities in their local community. Apps like onHand match you with volunteering opportunities based on the time and dates you can offer.


Spending just 5 minutes a day writing down your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly beneficial in managing stress and working out where your head’s at.
Record how your day went every evening if you can. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about something, you’ll soon be able to the identify the triggers, helping you to resolve the problem.

If it’s been a good day, celebrate that. A journal is a great space for positive self-talk and recording your personal achievements.
Wondering what to write in? We love FA VO’s range of beautifully designed journals, made from 100% recycled paper.

Researching your family tree

If you’re looking for a personal project to set aside some ‘me-time’ for, investigating your family tree is a brilliant way to focus on who you are, where you’ve come from and your place in history.
It’s also a great excuse to reconnect with family members. Start by asking relatives for names and rough birth dates of family members and then trace your way back through history.

There are so many resources online now to help you, including free ones like Family Search  and Rootsweb.

Creating physical space

If you’re surrounded by clutter it can be difficult to focus on anything. Creating some physical space in your home will help you feel more focused and energised.
Write a checklist detailing what you want to achieve and then declutter small areas, in short 10-minute sessions, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
You could also try the 12 12 12 challenge: locate 12 items to throw away, 12 to give to charity, and 12 to be returned to their proper home.

Don’t forget about your beauty products…
If in doubt, dispose of anything you haven’t used for 6 months. If you’d like some tips on make-up or beauty products you’ll get the most out of, consider booking a Virtual Consultation with Glow founder, Mel.

Taking care of your mind

Mindfulness and meditation are excellent ways to press pause in your day and reflect on how you are feeling. You may already have your own routine for this, but if you need a steer we’d recommend Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle’s podcast A New Earth.

Focused around Tolle’s acclaimed book, it covers everything from dealing with unresolved emotional pain, to the importance of stillness in allowing you to connect with the present moment.

Other great resources we’ve found helpful are Tara Brach’s guided meditations (she has a dedicated pandemic care resources section) and Jess Lively’s inner voice training method.

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