5 Self Care Tips for Staying Sane at Home

5 Self Care Tips for Staying Sane at Home

Life as we know it has changed completely over the past couple of weeks, and with this set to continue for another few weeks, take some time to treat yourself to some long-overdue TLC to boost your morale.

Learn a new skill

If you’ve gained some more time in your day, then why not use this time to make a start on learning that language you always wanted to learn? Or mastering the art of baking? Or even spend a whole hour doing yoga each morning now you don’t have to commute to work. Not only will this boost your wellbeing, but also give you a great sense of accomplishment when you emerge from isolation having honed a new skill.

Get outside

It can sometimes feel quite isolating staying indoors all day, especially if you live on your own. Even just 30 minutes of fresh air a day can do us the world of good if we have to stay cooped up inside. Changing up your environment will also help with your creativity, productivity and motivation to get back into your work once you are home. 

Organise a date night

There is no reason why you can’t get dressed up and enjoy a dinner date with your other half, or wine night with friends on a Friday night. Set a date and time, and chat with your loved ones exactly as you would normally, but in the comfort of your safe home.

Have a pamper evening

I personally love taking an hour or two to myself once a week for a good pampering session. Run a bath, fill with some calming bath salts, mix a face mask, grab a glass of wine, paint your nails, pop on a hair treatment and give your skin a good scrub. If you’re missing the sunshine, apply some self-tan and I promise you will feel 100% better.

Eat well, stay hydrated

With the fridge at your disposal all day long, it can be oh so tempting to reach in every few hours and see what delights it has to offer. Whilst I am certainly not saying you shouldn’t treat yourself, try not to indulge too often during the day as this will only leave you feeling sluggish and lethargic, especially if you aren’t moving as much as you normally would during the day.

How are you staying sane whilst the UK is in lockdown?

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