Natural DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner – How To Clean Your Brushes The Natural Way

I’m sure most of us can admit that we don’t clean our makeup brushes as often as we should…


It is such a mundane task after all, and one I honestly always dread having to do! But it really is so important to clean your brushes and remove the makeup, dirt, bacteria and oils that would have accumulated in the brush hairs. Why? Well would you really want to be spreading that on your face…? It could be contributing to your clogged pores and breakouts. Having clean brushes will also help your makeup application look a lot fresher. So here is our recipe for cleaning your makeup brushes the natural way.

Natural DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

You will need:

  • Liquid Castile Soap – We love Dr Bronner’s soaps due to the concoction of organic essential oils.
  • Tea Tree Oil – A natural antiseptic and antibacterial oil to kill any bacteria and germs that would have accumulated on the brush hairs.
  • Witch Hazel – A natural astringent to help remove stubborn foundation and concealers from brush hairs.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – This will help to loosen the dirt and grease on the brush hairs.
  • Water!

Step 1.

Get yourself a little bowl, and pour in around 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil and 1 tablespoon of witch hazel. Dip the brushes into the mixture and start working it into the brush hairs. The Olive Oil will help to condition the brush hairs and leave them feeling really soft. Whilst the witch hazel will help dissolve stubborn liquid and cream makeup on the brush hairs.

Step 2.

Next wet your brushes under the tap, then pour a little Castille Soup into the palm of your hand, with a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Swirl your brush around in the palm of your hand and work the mixture into the brush hairs.

Step 3.

Rinse your brushes thoroughly, dry them with a clean towel to remove excess water. Then leave them to dry overnight lying flat.


A few tips to remember to keep your brushes in tip top condition!

  • Never leave your brushes to dry on a radiator, the heat will loosen the glue that is holding in the brush hairs.
  • Reshape your brushes when they are wet and smooth the hairs to make sure they keep their shape.
  • Never leave your brushes to dry upright. Any water still on the brush hairs will seep down and loosen the glue.

and last but not least…

Remember to wash your brushes every week!

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