a hand holding small pebbles

How to Avoid Microplastics in your Cosmetics


Microplastics in cosmetics are a major concern for both your skin and the environment.

We will discuss natural alternatives to microplastics, how to choose microplastic-free cosmetics, and how to properly dispose of products containing microplastics.

Stay informed and take action to reduce microplastic pollution with Glow Organic’s guide to eco-friendly beauty.

What Are Microplastics in Cosmetics?

What Are Microplastics in Cosmetics?

Microplastics in cosmetics refer to small particles of synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, that are used in cosmetic products to enhance their texture and efficacy. These microbeads can have a significant impact on the environment, contaminating the oceans and affecting marine life.

Why Should You Avoid Microplastics in Your Cosmetics?

Evitar los microplásticos en tus cosméticos es crucial para proteger tu salud y el medio ambiente, ya que estos materiales no biodegradables pueden liberar toxinas y contribuir a la contaminación plástica.

Los microplásticos representan una preocupación creciente en la comunidad científica debido a su capacidad de absorber sustancias tóxicas presentes en el entorno marino, lo que puede afectar en última instancia la cadena alimentaria y la salud humana.

Además de los impactos directos en la salud, la presencia de microplásticos en los océanos y cuerpos de agua plantea riesgos ambientales significativos, ya que pueden persistir durante siglos, alterar los ecosistemas acuáticos y afectar a la fauna marina.

How to Identify Microplastics in Your Cosmetics?

Identifying microplastics in your cosmetics involves carefully reading the ingredients labels and looking for specific names of synthetic polymers. The European Chemicals Agency provides resources and guidelines to help consumers identify and avoid these ingredients.

What Are the Common Names for Microplastics in Cosmetics?

What Are the Common Names for Microplastics in Cosmetics?

Los nombres comunes para los microplásticos en cosméticos incluyen polietilenopolipropileno y PVA.

Estos materiales están presentes en productos como exfoliantes faciales, pastas de dientes, brillos labiales y cremas corporales. El polietileno se conoce por su uso en cremas y lociones debido a sus propiedades espesantes y emolientes.

El polipropileno se utiliza en productos cosméticos como agentes de relleno y para mejorar la textura. Por otro lado, el PVA, también conocido como alcohol polivinílico, se encuentra en mascarillas faciales por su capacidad para formar películas protectoras.

How to Read Ingredient Labels to Avoid Microplastics?

Read the ingredients labels is essential to avoid microplastics in cosmetics.

When examining the labels, look for key terms such as ‘polyethylene’ or ‘polypropylene’, which may indicate the presence of microplastics. Also, pay attention to ingredients like ‘polystyrene‘ or ‘nylon-12‘, which are also potential sources of microplastics. Opting for products with organic and natural ingredients can help avoid exposure to these contaminants. It’s important to remember that brand transparency can be key; look for companies committed to sustainability and the removal of microplastics in their products.

What Are the Alternatives to Microplastics in Cosmetics?

The alternatives to microplastics in cosmetics include natural and biodegradable ingredients, such as natural fibres, which are both effective and safe for beauty and the environment. Brands like VERDILAB, founded by Victoria Neymann, are leading this shift towards more sustainable products.

What Are Natural Exfoliants?

What Are Natural Exfoliants?

Natural exfoliators are sustainable and safe alternatives for beauty that do not harm the environment.

These products are derived from natural ingredients such as sugar, salt, ground coffee, oats, and clay, in contrast to conventional exfoliators that contain harmful microplastics. By choosing natural exfoliators, skin health is promoted without compromising the health of the planet.

Furthermore, these natural exfoliators are gentle yet effective, gently removing dead skin cells and leaving the skin fresh and renewed. Products like the coffee body scrub or the natural clay mask are popular examples that harness the benefits of these ingredients for radiant skin with a positive environmental impact.

What Are Biodegradable Glitters?

Biodegradable glitters are an eco-friendly option to add sparkle to your beauty products without compromising the environment.

These glitters are specially designed to decompose naturally in the environment, unlike traditional glitters that can take years to disappear. Their production is done using biodegradable materials such as cornstarch, cellulose, or microalgae, making them safe for the planet. The advantages of choosing biodegradable glitters are numerous, from reducing plastic pollution to promoting sustainable practices in the cosmetics industry.

What Are Natural Preservatives?

Natural preservatives are used in cosmetics to maintain the freshness and effectiveness of products without compromising health.

These preservatives, derived from natural sources such as essential oilsvitamins, or plant extracts, offer a healthier alternative to chemical preservatives. Some of the benefits they provide to the skin include antioxidantanti-inflammatory, and nourishing properties, which can contribute to a more radiant and healthy skin in the long term.

How to Choose Microplastic-Free Cosmetics?

How to Choose Microplastic-Free Cosmetics?

Opting for cosmetics without microplastics involves being aware of regulations, such as those implemented by the European Commission, and selecting products that meet these standards.

What Brands Are Committed to Being Microplastic-Free?

Several cosmetics companies, like VERDILAB and ADA Cosmetics, are committed to offering products without microplastics.

VERDILAB has been a pioneer in removing microplastics from its formulations, offering a wide range of products free from these harmful components to the environment. On the other hand, ADA Cosmetics, known for its commitment to sustainability, has launched a range of cosmetics entirely free from microplastics, from shower gels to facial creams. These brands are leading the trend towards conscious cosmetics, demonstrating that it is possible to create effective products without compromising the environment.

What Certifications Should You Look for?

When choosing cosmetics, look for certifications that ensure ingredients free from microplastics and comply with regulations.

These certifications are crucial to ensure that the cosmetic products you use do not contribute to microplastic pollution, which helps protect the environment and skin health.

The certification without microplastics generally implies that ingredients such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and other harmful microplastics have been removed from the product formula, thus avoiding their release into the environment.

Consumers should be aware of these certifications when purchasing cosmetic products, as they provide the reassurance of making responsible and sustainable choices for their skin and the planet.

How to Research Ingredients?

Investigating the ingredients of cosmetics is crucial to ensure they are safe for health and free from microplastics.

When exploring the components of beauty products, it is important to refer to reliable sources of information such as the INCI website. This site provides a detailed database on ingredients used in cosmetics, allowing you to investigate each component in depth. When searching on the INCI website, you should pay special attention to terms like ‘parabens’, ‘sulphates’, and ‘phthalates’, which are known for their potential harmful effects. Knowing how to interpret this information correctly will help you make informed decisions and select products that are beneficial for your skin and overall health.

How to Properly Dispose of Cosmetics Containing Microplastics?

The proper disposal of cosmetics containing microplastics is essential to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

When discarding cosmetics products containing microplastics improperly, these tiny fragments can end up in the oceans and bodies of water, harming marine life and entering the food chain. It is crucial to choose eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives to minimise the negative impact on the ecosystem. Additionally, the responsible recycling of cosmetics packaging helps reduce the amount of plastic waste ending up in landfills and contributes to creating a more sustainable environment for future generations.

What Can You Do to Help Reduce Microplastic Pollution?

Reducir la contaminación por microplásticos requires a conscious effort to increase awareness, change consumer habits, and support sustainability.

One crucial way to address this global concern is through education. By understanding the devastating impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and human health, people can make informed decisions in their daily lives. Furthermore, researching and promoting sustainable products is essential. This may involve choosing biodegradable or reusable materials instead of single-use plastics.

Additionally, it is important to support policies that promote plastic reduction and stricter environmental regulations. By urging governments and businesses to adopt measures that limit the production and use of microplastics, a significant difference can be made in protecting our planet for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are microplastics and why should I avoid them in my cosmetics?

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that are less than 5mm in size. They are commonly used in cosmetics as exfoliants or to add texture. However, these particles can harm the environment and marine life when they enter our waterways. It is important to avoid them in cosmetics to protect our planet.

How do I know if a cosmetic product contains microplastics?

Unfortunately, there is no clear labelling for microplastics in cosmetics. Look out for ingredients such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon, as these are commonly used microplastics. You can also check for products that are labelled as “microbead-free” or “plastic-free”.

Are natural and organic beauty products free from microplastics?

Not all natural and organic beauty products are free from microplastics. Some natural ingredients, such as nut shells and seeds, can also act as exfoliants and may be listed as “natural microbeads”. It is important to read the ingredients list carefully or look for products that are specifically labelled as “microplastic-free”.

Can I still exfoliate without using products that contain microplastics?

Yes, there are many alternatives to using products that contain microplastics. You can use gentle physical exfoliants such as sugar, salt, or coffee grounds. You can also opt for chemical exfoliants that use natural acids like AHA and BHA. Alternatively, using a soft washcloth or a konjac sponge can also provide gentle exfoliation.

Is there a way to recycle products that contain microplastics?

Unfortunately, most products that contain microplastics cannot be recycled. The small size of the particles makes it difficult for recycling facilities to separate them from other materials. The best way to avoid microplastics in your cosmetics is to choose products that are free from them in the first place.

Can I trust all products labelled as “microplastic-free”?

It is important to research the brand and their ingredients to ensure that the product is truly free from microplastics. Some products may market themselves as “microplastic-free” but still contain other harmful ingredients. Look for reputable brands that have transparent ingredient lists and certifications from trusted organisations.

Plastic ingredients to avoid in cosmetics.

Polymer Function

Nylon-12 (polyamide-12)

Bulking, viscosity controlling, opacifying (e.g. wrinkle creams)


Bulking agent, viscosity controlling

Poly(butylene terephthalate

Film formation, viscosity controlling

Poly(ethylene isoterephthalate

Bulking agent

Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

Adhesive, film formation, hair fixative; viscosity controlling, aesthetic agent, (e.g. glitters in bubble bath, makeup)

Poly(methyl methylacrylate)

Sorbent for delivery of active ingredients

Poly(pentaerythrityl terephthalate)

Film formation

Poly(propylene terephthalate)

Emulsion stabilizing, skin conditioning


Abrasive, film forming, viscosity controlling, binder for powders


Bulking agent, viscosity increasing agent


Film formation

Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)

Bulking agent, slip modifier, binding agent, skin conditioner


Film formation (e.g. facial masks, sunscreen, mascara)


Viscosity controlling

Acrylates copolymer

Binder, hair fixative, film formation, suspending agent

Allyl stearate/vinyl acetate copolymers

Film formation, hair fixative

Ethylene/methylacrylate copolymer

Film formation

Ethylene/acrylate copolymer

Film formation in waterproof sunscreen, gellant (e.g. lipstick, stick products, hand creams)

Butylene/ethylene/styrene copolymer

Viscosity controlling

Styrene acrylates copolymer

Aesthetic, coloured microspheres (e.g. makeup)

Trimethylsiloxysilicate (silicone resin)

Film formation (e.g. colour cosmetics, skin care, sun care)

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